Saturday, April 16, 2016

UAS GCS Human Factors Issues

The RQ-1/MQ-1 Predator is a powerful asset in the U.S. Air Force’s mission of intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance. According to the U.S. Air Force’s fact sheet on the MQ-1 Predator (2015), the Predator is a remotely piloted aircraft or RPA system, operated by a two-person crew. The crew, a rated commissioned officer pilot and an enlisted sensor operator, control the aircraft from within a shipping container (U.S. Air Force, 2015). Much like the aircraft itself, the shipping container is a mobile ground control station or GCS, capable of being relocated by a number of large transport aircraft. It is from inside this container that the pilot controls the aircraft using basic flight controls which, if in line-of-sight, transmits commands via a C-band data link (Valdes, 2004). If the aircraft is beyond the line-of-sight range, a Ku-band satellite link is used to transmit commands (Valdes). In addition to basic flight controls, the pilot and sensor operator have a series of computer monitors which display information such as aircraft location, flight path, a status of on-board systems, and even the strength of the communication links (Hobbs, 2010, p. 518). The division of remote control communication between a line-of-site and satellite control allows the U.S. Air Force split operations into a launch and recovery ground control element and a command and control ground control element (U.S. Air Force, 2015).
Although the setup of the GCS sounds well thought out, it is riddled with human factor design issues. One of the most prevalent issues is the lack of situational awareness by the pilot in the GCS. Robert Valdes, the author of “How the Predator UAV Works” from How Stuff, relates flying the MQ-1 Predator to flying a manned aircraft while looking through a straw (Valdes, 2004).  According to the article, unlike manned aircraft pilots who can freely look around, Predator pilots are limited to the stationary camera view they are displayed in the GCS (Valdes). Furthermore, according to Dr. Alan Hobbs, from the Human Systems Integration Division of the NASA Ames Research Center, in addition to a lack of visual cues, Predator pilots are void of auditory, tactile, olfactory and vestibular cues (2010, p. 514).  The second issue plaguing the human factors of the MQ-1 Predator GCS design are the controls. To control the aircraft the pilot uses a basic flight control system as well as, a complicated and often hard to read display system. Human factor problems with the displays include the presentation of flight data in the form of text instead of the typical aviation graphical displays and key flight controls being placed near non-important flight controls (Hobbs, 2010, p. 518). In response to all the issues, a solution is underway. Contracted by the U.S. Air Force, General Atomics has redesigned the MQ-1 Predator GCS. In 2014, the San Diego-based company showed off its prototype of the enhanced Predator GCS (McGarry, 2014). The new design greatly improves situational awareness through the introduction of six 24-inch high definition monitors (McGarry) which gives the pilot a 270 degree horizon field of view (General Atomic, 2016).  Additionally, General Atomics also upgraded the pilot control interface making the controls more ergonomic (General Atomic, 2016). In fact the new control interface has an F-35/F-16 fighter jet inspired Hands on Throttle and Stick, better resembling manned aircraft systems (General Atomic). Lastly, the re-design of the GCS has been standardized to allow for the easy integration across the myriad of RPA systems (General Atomic).
With all the differences discussed so far, there are some common human factor concerns that are similar between unmanned and manned aircraft. The most prevalent issue, is the approach to maintenance. The manned aviation world was very slow to recognize the role human factors play in maintenance, and it seems as though the unmanned world is going to follow. When unmanned aircraft became staple in the air domain, the same maintenance practices as manned aircraft were carried over. For manned aircraft maintainers their sole responsibility is the ability to keep the aircraft in the air (Hobbs, 2010, p. 524). However, for unmanned aircraft maintainers they are responsible for the entire enterprise. This requires more specialists who have a deeper understanding of how their particular specialty fits into the enterprise (Hobbs, p. 527).  Furthermore, in the particular case of the MQ-1 Predator, many in-flight issues that occur can be traced back to an issue on the ground. This requires unmanned maintainers, who conduct maintenance on live systems, to have a thorough comprehension of the how their actions impact the entire enterprise (Hobbs, p. 527).
In conclusion, the RQ-1/MQ-1 Predator is an extremely capable system in its infancy. The human factors issues that have plagued the system’s GCS in the past is soon to be extinguished with the implementation of General Atomics’ new GCS design. Additionally, as the technology of unmanned aviation evolves the doctrine of the entire enterprise must follow. This means in addition to changes to doctrine for the pilot’s benefit, unmanned aviation maintenance must change as well. The future of unmanned aviation is bright but only if it avoids the mistakes of the past.   


General Atomic. (2016). Advanced Cockpit GCS. Retrieved from General Atomic:
Hobbs, A. (2010). Unmanned Aircraft Systems. In D. Eduardo Salas, & D. Eduardo Salas (Ed.), Human Factors in Aviation (2 ed., pp. 505-532). Burlington, Massachusetts: Academic Press.
McGarry, B. (2014, July 17). General Atomics Unveils Enhanced Drone Cockpit. Retrieved from Defense Tech:
U.S. Air Force. (2015, September 23). MQ-1B Predator. Retrieved from
Valdes, R. (2004, April 1). How the Predator UAV Works. Retrieved from How Stuff Works:

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